Mass produced watchboxes from the usual sellers are made of veneer on machine cut wood and are often heavily lacquered. They usually originate from Asia where labour rates are low and tend to be quite woeful quality when you get beneath the veneer and lacquer. The fit and finish appear excellent, but the boxes are nowhere near as good looking as true handmade ones and age rather quickly when, in next to no time, the lacquer cracks and the veneer lifts. Another problem is that more often that not, these boxes will not close with certain extra large watches (Aqualands, PloProf, etc.) inside, and tall ones (Autozilla, Omega SM120C, most Panerai etc.) just need not apply. This situation has been very annoying for collectors who previously had no option but to ‘make do’ even though they would happily pay more for a custom watchbox.
Recently a new breed of watchbox came on the scene - built by a guy who has been part of the WIS community for many years. Like the best handmade products initially from a desire to fulfill his own needs he went on to build boxes to house friend’s watches and is now starting a low key business selling to other collectors. These boxes are the right size for modern large watches and have a number of other great features: